Outline Buildings

I decided to do some research on the vector outline illustrations and found some really nice ones:

I then did this to one of my maps, it didn’t take long to do and it made a vast change. I’m not sure if it suits or if I like t as much as my original but it it a experiment. I could have done this a number of ways, using illustrator to create a line and then choose the width option to change the size of the line or I could have taken a section into 3d Max and created a spline for around the buildings and changed the width  and exported it out. I also could have done the 3d Max style but then brought it into illustrator and changed the size again but I don’t think any of these would have suited as this was originally a hand drawn map I wanted to keep it hand drawing and adding 3d max and illustrator to make the lines might have taken away from that. It also would have taken much more time. So I drew the lines on. To choose which thickness I should go for I drew a simple building in the same pen as the one I drew the whole map in (o.7) and took a rang of other pens and tried them over the pen over the map pen to see which one was the thickest  The result was a felt black pen which was very thin but had the best impact on the sketch. This was the pen I used for my map.


Outline Map:



I have did this technique twice as I wanted to keep a original black and white but also do a colour study to see what it would look like. Here is my design:

A2 Map

Ok  I am so happy with my map, its a big step up from what I was doing but not I have to find a scanner and finding an A2 scanner is so hard, like its not something simple Iv rang up a load of companies and they either do do A2 printing but they don’t have a A2 scanner I want to scan my map not take a photo of it. The idea of drawing it out on large page was to get more detail on the buildings. If I was to take a photo it wouldn’t get the detail. However all the places I rang up only did printing in A2. The prices for these were also outrages a A2 print on A2 paper was £20 in one of the stores. This maybe because of the quality of the paper though.

I then found a store in Newry called “DOLSOL” a small printing company. I took my map and first I drew around every building again in black pen because the pencil wouldn’t be seen easily on the print out. This gave me the opportunity to neaten things up and give more detail to the amount of windows etc. in the buildings. I then rubbed out all the pencil marks. I love the map now it is so clear and there is detail on it, I’m not sure if there is enough detail but many people and classmates like it and it hasn’t even been coloured in yet.


I went to the DOLSOL store and it had everything I was looking for the A2 scanner and printer. The cost for an A2 scanned and printed was only £1.50  in black and white. I was so pleased with the print and the price it was perfect. I got 5 copies of my map to help me have a variety of designs.